SB 8.3.13. Gajendra’s Prayers of Surrender

SB 8.3.13. Gajendra’s Prayers of Surrender

Special Occasions: Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami’s Panihati Cida Dahi Festival (flate rice mixed with sweet/savory yogurt). He wanted to join Lord Caitanya but not successful so he sought the mercy of Lord Nityananda. Thus he was successful.

Book: SB Verse: 8.3.13 Reference Verses: Vedabase Link:

Pastime background.

King Indradyumana – meditating on Lord.

Agastya course

Trikuta mountain – one of the best places

Verse Text:

I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the Supersoul, the superintendent of everything, and the witness of all that occurs. You are the Supreme Person, the origin of material nature and of the total material energy. You are also the owner of the material body. Therefore, You are the supreme complete. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.


Chapter title – Gajendra’s prayers for surrender.

How an elephant can pray or offer prayers? We must not forget that he is a soul – conditioned soul in the body of an elephant. And now he is realizing his natural position, as a soul – part and parcel of Krsna – now soul is praying to Krsna for his deliverance.

Krsna’s promise – my devotees never perish. BG 9.31 He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kuntī, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.

Another promise verse is 9.22 yoga-kṣemaṁ vahāmy aham But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form – to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.

The way Krsna’s protection is different for each soul and each circumstances – He is fully indepedent. Example Pariksit Maharaj – in the womb and Snake bite


Questions to Audience: Why the crocodile was angry?

Vedic Examples:


Uttara –

Kunti Maharani and Pandavas – especially Arjuna before the war and Yudhisthir – after the war – Message from Pitamah

Ajamil pastimes

Recent Examples:

Madhudvisa – SP example: Srila Prabhpada relates this pastime with devotees falling down or changing the ashram or finding themselves in the great difficulties. Madhudvisa prabhu

Dorothy – Radhanath Swami example : Of course you all would have heard about our His Holiness Radhanatha Swami. Have you heard about his lecture titled – “Why I am so late for the lecture”? I highly encourage you to search on ISKCON desire tree – blog on the-tale-of-dorothy-by-radhanath-swami or you can read in his biography book The Journey Within. How Dorothy was saved.

Kazan Old Lady Allah example – in book distribution google group – Old lady in Kazan Russia – how Allah (Krsna) spoke to her to get the book “The Song of God”. So it is not that Krsna saved only Gajendra. He is saving us also provided we accept his attempt to save us.

Personal Realizations/Examples:

Every failure is stepping stone – instead of taking shelter of mental agitation, drugs, pity, take shelter of God/Krsna. Many examples in my life.

Krsna has THE plan for everyone and everything.

To give you something, he has to take back something so we can have some room for the new thing.

Personal Application:

How much more sincere and serious we need to be when we particiapte in Krsna’s seva, activities like chanting japa, reciting verses, seva, you never know when we would need at such critical time.

Whose shelter we need to take? Immediately and Later also… Krsna’s. Others who are conditioned can’t save us bound can’t save bound. Crocodile is death. BG 18.56. Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace. mad-vyapāśrayaḥ means under the protection of the Supreme Lord.

What is the process of taking shelter ? Chanting Hare Krishna…

It can happen to us at any time…

Preaching Application:

Small mistake big curse

Luckily in Kaliyuga curses do not become effective only in exceptional cases.

Devotees do not generally curse, even curse is beneficial,

Actually, any dealings with Krsna and Krsna’ devotees (all three levels) is beneficial, giving access to ultimate path and result.

Concluding Words:

Always remember Krsna and Never Forget Him

Be faithful that Lord will protect you, certainly your devotional services/ consciousness

Krsna Consciousness or Material Consciousness – that will come with us

In Krsna’s hands – what to make us remember, forget and . 15.15 sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo

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